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Malu Magri - por Julia Pessini

Malu Magri

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Singer and songwriter, ever since she was known as an artist, Malu is a musician from São Paulo who grew up influenced by the strength of MPB, Bossa Nova, Samba and Latin American strands made of insights originated from interpersonal exchanges, courageous compositions that address sexuality, politics, desires and wishes - now subjectively, now straight to the point. All because, for Malu Magri, each song has a specific source and a development that shines when it finds the audience that has the power to interpret and resignify it.


Thus, it conveys more than encouraging musicized messages, but the empathy that awakens the personal empowerment of each individual; and this dose of relevance can be heard in his first EP "De Uma Para Uma", the result of a collective funding, which also bears the name of one of his first compositions, today his first single, with a video clip on the way.


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Scubidu Produções Culturais e Artisticas Ltda ME - Rua Sao Gall, 120 - 05054170 SP/SP - CNPJ 09.131.587/0001-42

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